
Skeleton Component


Skeleton is a React component designed to create loading skeleton UIs to enhance user experience during content loading. It supports customization of width, height, and shape of the skeleton. This component is inspired by the DaisyUI (opens in a new tab) framework's design for skeleton loading.

Example Preview

Skeleton Example


import { Skeleton } from "@/@core";
// Render Skeleton component with default or customized props
const MyLoadingComponent = () => {
  return <Skeleton width={100} height={16} shape="round" />;
export default MyLoadingComponent;


Prop nameTypeDefault valueRequiredDescription
widthstring, number100%NoWidth of the skeleton.
heightstring, number16pxNoHeight of the skeleton.
shapecircle, round, squarecircleNoShape of the skeleton.

Note: The Skeleton component accepts additional HTML attributes (HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>).


Here is an example of using the Skeleton component with default or customized props:

<Skeleton width={100} height={16} shape="round" />

This will render a skeleton loading component with a default width of 100 pixels, height of 16 pixels, and a rounded shape. You can customize these props as needed.


Note: The Skeleton component provides a visually appealing loading experience and is inspired by the DaisyUI (opens in a new tab) framework. Check it out for more awesome components.