Faqs Component Uses
This component is used to display the faqs anywhere in the site. You can use it in any page or template. It is also used in the home page to display the faqs. You can customize the faqs by using the following options:
The following options are available for the faqs component:
Option | Description | Default |
className | The class name for the component. | '' |
itemClassName | The class name for the faq item. | '' |
Example Usage
The following example shows how to use the faqs component:
import React from "react";
import { Faqs } from "@/@core";
export const FaqsComponent = () => (
question: "How to use this template?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: true,
question: "How to use for commercial purpose?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: false,
Customization Options
The following customization options are available for the faqs component:
Option | Description | Default |
className | The class name for the component. | '' |
itemClassName | The class name for the faq item. | '' |
icon | The icon for the faq item. plus or arrow | plus |
Icon Options
The following icon options are available for the faqs component:
Option | Description | Default |
plus | The push icon for the faq item. default | '' |
arrow | The arrow icon for the faq item. | '' |
Example Customization
The following example shows how to customize the faqs component:
const FaqsCustomization = () => (
className={"my-10 p-10"}
itemClassName={"bg-accent/5 p-10 border-2 border-accent/20"}
question: "How to use this template?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: true,
question: "How to use for commercial purpose?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: false,
Props Table
The following props table shows the available props for the faqs component:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | '' | The class name for the component. |
itemClassName | string | '' | The class name for the faq item. |
data | array | [] | The faqs data. |
icon | string | plus | The icon for the faq item. plus or arrow |
Faqs Data Structure
The following data structure shows the data required for the faqs component:
const data = [
question: "How to use this template?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: true,
question: "How to use for commercial purpose?",
answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <a href="#">Sed</a> euismod, nunc ut aliquam mollis, nunc nibh lacinia risus, quis aliquet nunc nunc vel lorem.`,
open: false,
Faqs Data Structure
The following data structure shows the data required for the faqs component:
Name | Type | Description |
question | string | The question for the faq. |
answer | string | The answer for the faq. |
open | bool | The open state for the faq item. |