Add Authentication to Starter-kit

Add Authentication to Starter-kit

Adding authentication to your AMRO admin template Starter Kit enhances security and enables personalized user experiences. By integrating authentication, users can access protected routes, manage their profiles, and perform various actions within your application. Here's how you can add authentication to your starter kit:


We highly recommend exploring the full version of the AMRO admin template to gain a comprehensive understanding of the NextAuth.js implementation. The full version provides a complete demonstration of how NextAuth.js is integrated into the admin template, including authentication provider configurations, authentication flow customization, and user management features.

Understanding the NextAuth.js implementation in the full version will give you valuable insights into leveraging authentication effectively within your admin template project. You'll discover how to seamlessly integrate authentication providers such as Google, GitHub, and custom credentials, as well as how to tailor the authentication flow to meet your specific project requirements.

By delving into the full version of the AMRO admin template, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to implement robust authentication solutions in your Next.js applications. Whether you're building a small-scale project or a large-scale enterprise application, NextAuth.js provides the flexibility and functionality required to meet your authentication needs.

1. Install NextAuth.js

NextAuth.js is a flexible authentication library for Next.js applications. Install it as a dependency in your project:

npm install next-auth
# or
yarn add next-auth

2. Configure NextAuth.js

Create a configuration file for NextAuth.js, typically named auth.ts or next-auth.ts, in your project's context directory. Define authentication providers, such as Google, GitHub, or custom credentials, and specify callback functions for authentication and session management.

  • add the following environment variables from the full-version .env file to your project's .env file:
  • copy the following files from the full-version to your project's.
    • app/api/auth/[auth]/route.ts
    • context/auth.ts
    • context/provider.tsx
  • add the middleware.ts file from the full-version to your project
  • add the app/login/page.ts file from the full-version to your project

3. Integrate Authentication Providers

Choose authentication providers based on your project requirements. For example, if you want to allow users to sign in with Google accounts, integrate the Google provider using NextAuth.js. Configure the provider with your client ID and client secret obtained from the respective provider's developer console.

4. Create Sign-In Pages

Design and implement sign-in and sign-up pages where users can authenticate themselves. You can use Next.js pages to create these routes and style them according to your project's design system.

5. Protect Routes

Identify which routes or components in your admin template require authentication. Use NextAuth.js session management to protect these routes by verifying the user's authentication status before allowing access. Redirect users to the sign-in page if they attempt to access protected routes without authentication.

6. Customize Authentication Flow

Customize the authentication flow to meet your project's specific requirements. Implement additional features such as social sign-in, email verification, password recovery, and user role management as needed.

7. Test and Iterate

Test the authentication flow thoroughly to ensure proper functionality and security. Iterate on your implementation based on user feedback and performance considerations.


Adding authentication to your AMRO admin template starter kit using NextAuth.js enhances security and user experience. By following these steps, you can implement a robust authentication system tailored to your project's requirements, providing users with secure access to your admin dashboard and features.